neuromovement nugget ~ what’s going on?


The world of NeuroMovement® is all about creating connections - to self and to others.

It’s building new neural pathways.

It’s creating new habits.

It’s developing optimal organization and efficiency.

You can hop onto my table or join a class and we can get started transforming your life (link below). I would be happy to guide you as you create positive changes in yourself in all the realms: physical/emotional/cognitive.

AND, you can also start that process TODAY - all by yourself

Really!Ask yourself “What’s Going On?”

(I like to do this while playing Marvin Gaye’s Whats Going On in the background…)

When you start to PAY ATTENTION, you begin to notice differences. That’s the brain’s way of learning.  

Think about it. If you do not notice a difference, there is no difference - at least for your system.  I might see a difference. Your friend might notice a difference. But if YOU do not notice a difference there is no learning.

Attention allows us to notice WHAT we are doing and HOW we are doing it.

Because, if you don’t know what you are doing, you cannot make a change.

If there are some habits or patterns that are not serving you currently. Begin to create change by “attentioning” around that habit or pattern. Notice how you move, or feel, or think about that habit or pattern. Then, try something a little different… and notice again.

Did your shift make that pattern easier? Harder? Each noticing gives you valuable information, and then you can make another shift, and see where that takes you.

Hint, hint ~ follow the shifts or changes that feel easy and comfortable!

And so it begins… The beautiful journey of learning!


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