Together we will discover what information your system needs to move better, and feel better. Whether you have pain, injury or other limitation, you can can re-organize to a more optimal YOU.
MoveAbilities creates possibilities
neuromovement for adults
Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement® lessons activate the brain’s neuroplasticity; that is, the ability of the brain to make new connections or neural pathways. As the brain is challenged to explore movement within a range of ease, the body is called upon to distribute the work of movement evenly, relieving chronic contractions and pain, and resulting in a system that works more effectively and efficiently. By engaging the brain, improving the quality of movement, and increasing awareness, the Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement® provides the tools for transformation. Because this method is neurologically based, movement is just part of the picture. The brain can form neural pathways in movement, thinking and feeling. Benefits of the Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement® lessons include reduced pain and stiffness, improved flexibility, injury prevention, and increased vitality. You can move and think with more ease, accuracy, grace and comfort.
Ways to connect:
in person lessons
Connect to yourself!
Using gentle movements and attention to self, you can create the new neural networks needed to change the “old” patterns that no longer serve you. Whether you have pain from an old or new injury, or limitation in movement/ thought/ feeling, join Kathy on the table and begin creating new connections!
Nothing beats connecting with a hands on experience
virtual Sessions
Connecting from home!
Now you can expand your in person learning, or experience NeuroMovement® from a distance with online virtual sessions. Address pain/injury or dive into creating greater awareness of self and more optimal movement patterns.
Using Zoom, Kathy will lead you in a guided movement lesson tailored specifically to you and your needs.
Group Class
Connections in Community!
Learning alongside others is awesome. Join our group movement class and experience gentle guided movement lessons that offer a unique learning experience.
Benefits include reduced pain, optimized organization, improved awareness of self & vitality, plus increased flexibility. Now, doesn’t that sound inviting?!?!