What our system needs to create new neural networks is INFORMATION.
Our brains can make new connections at an AMAZING rate… given the proper conditions
The 9 Essentials provide the conditions for our systems to process new information and perceive differences powerfully.
The Result?
MoveAbilities creates possibilities
Movement with Attention is the first of Anat's 9 Essentials. Since movement organizes the brain, how we move is key in what outcomes that movement produces. Automatic movement is important and necessary for daily/regular activities and functions. However, if we want to learn anything new, we must slow down and bring attention to our movement.
2. S L O W
By slowing down and attending to our movements and ourselves, we catch our brain's attention. When this happens we give ourselves and our children the time to feel - a necessary part of learning and creating new possibilities.
Variation - the opposite of repetition, wakes up the brain to new possibilities. When you explore new ways to do even automatic "everyday" things you provide your nervous system with new information and an experience that stands out. With the perception of those differences, even the minute ones, come new neural pathways and the potential to find solutions that were not there previously.
Subtlety is that gentle way to catch your brain's attention quite powerfully. A forceful movement or touch can override the brain's ability to perceive differences, and perhaps cause pain. But, when subtlety is introduced, you reduce the force and increase your ability to perceive changes, thereby opening the door to new organization.
Enthusiasm - that internal feeling of delight, at even the smallest thing. It is such a powerful way to amplify learning. When you generate Enthusiasm, whether for yourself or for a child you care for, you mark each new learning, now matter how small, as important. It pulls it to the forefront of learning and our awareness and marks the changes as important.
Holding goals loosely is not an invitation to lower your expectations or lose hope in the possibilities. Rather, it's a chance to revel in the remarkable place you or your child is at and explore the flexibility of options as you move toward change and growth. Flexible Goals allows for new and often unexpected routes towards new learning as well as celebrates each small change as part of the bigger picture.
7. THE
Click! When your Learning Switch is on, you are alert, responsive and aware of new changes happening in you. It is a place where your brain is more receptive to new learning and can make sense of the new neural pathways being formed. You can see it in another, you can feel it in yourself.
Imagination and Dreams is a place to fuel vitality and create new possibilities where there were none before. With a physical limitation or pain, we can use our imagination to "feel" movements without that limitation or pain - and often create new organization. And, when we develop the ability to dream and imagine, we access our nervous system's potential to perceive differences in a more refined and dynamic way.
Anat says, "There cannot be self knowledge without awareness." To truly know ourselves we must be able to observe our own thoughts, feelings and actions and then understand that those same thoughts, feelings and actions impact the world around us.