I take Covid-19 seriously.
I know that many of my “cuties” are considered high-risk. I am also high risk.
I will continue to follow CDC guidelines and do my best to minimize exposure to my clients and myself.
I am fully vaccinated for Covid-19
MoveAbilities covid protocols:
When you come for in person lessons, you can expect:
Practitioner will text you when the studio is ready
Masks worn by all adults
Only one adult to accompany child
Covid symptom screen before beginning a lesson
Air purification system running during the lesson
30 minute break between clients with strict sanitation of all surfaces
Gloves worn by practitioner (upon request)
please reschedule if, in the past 48 hours you have:
Had a fever of 100.3 or higher
Had a new or worsening cough
Experienced shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Loss of taste or smell
Had any known contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID in the past 14 day
Please let me know if you have any questions related to Covid. I’m happy to discuss how to keep us all safe.